Minnesota Association of Family & Consumer Sciences


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AAFCS Statement on Racial Equality and Social Justice

June 9, 2020

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AAFCS Statement on Racial Equality and Social Justice

On behalf of the AAFCS Board of Directors, Jacqueline M. Holland, CFCS-HDFS and the AAFCS Diversity and Inclusion Community, I am sending you this important message.  The American Association of Family and Consumer Association (AAFCS) reinforces our commitment to racial equality and social justice.  

As an organization that focuses on families’ and communities’ wellbeing, we express our sadness over the recent events of racial injustice and the loss of the life of George Floyd.  We denounce systemic racism, celebrate, and embrace diversity, and respect every person’s value.

AAFCS has over the years supported diversity and inclusion in the following ways.

1.    2006 Resolution on Non-Discrimination

2.    The AAFCS Strategic Direction, Imagine, includes as a core value “Embrace diversity and value all people.”
3.    AAFCS established a task force in 2018 on Diversity & Inclusion which transformed into being an AAFCS Community on Diversity & Inclusion as approved by the Board of Directors on May 20, 2020.  

The AAFCS Community on Diversity & Inclusion Purposes:

The Diversity and Inclusion Community will review Association practices and policies and advise the board and the AAFCS CEO/Staff to enhance aspects of diversity and inclusion throughout the organization, create a plan of work incorporating these aspects, and to facilitate programming that enhances diversity and inclusion on every Association level.  This community supports two of the core values from our Strategic Directions, “Embrace diversity and value all people” and “See new ideas and initiatives and embrace change.” This body will be a supportive entity for AAFCS communities to embrace a culture of diversity and inclusion that would be observed and experienced by all.

In supporting the AAFCS mission “To provide leadership and support for professionals whose work assists individuals, families, and communities in making informed decisions about their well-being, relationships, and resources to achieve optimal quality of life.”,  the Diversity and Inclusion Community recognizes and endorses the viability, value, and richness of each member as the Association moves forward to meet the needs of families in a new and constantly changing world.

Overall Goals of the Community are to:

•    review Association practices and policies and advise the AAFCS Board and the AAFCS CEO/Staff
•    to enhance aspects of diversity and inclusion in the organization,
•    create a plan of work regarding these aspects,
•    facilitate programming that enhances diversity and inclusion on every Association level
•    become a supportive entity for AAFCS communities to embrace a culture of diversity and inclusion,
•    recognize and endorse the viability, value, and richness of each member as the Association moves forward to meet the needs of families in a new and constantly changing world.

As an organization, AAFCS will continue to listen to, advocate for, and support the communities we serve.


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