Minnesota Association of Family & Consumer Sciences


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Upcoming U of M Extension Webinars

The University of Minnesota Extension Family Resiliency Educators are offering the following webinars:  

Webinars for consumers: 

Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate?

Thursday, May 21; 9-10 am or 7-8 pm

Has COVID-19 inspired you to clean while staying at home? Or maybe it is time for your traditional spring cleaning.  Do you wonder what to do with your treasured possessions now or in the future? Family feuds are more likely to erupt over treasured possessions than over money.  Learn how you can leave a legacy and manage family relationships while making decisions about your possessions. This webinar will help you learn:

· Strategies to jump-start conversations about inheritance

· About the powerful messages in who gets what 

· The importance of planning for both titled and non-titled property

· How complex emotional and family relationships impact personal property decisions

· Six key decision-making factors in non-titled property transfer

· About resources, including a workbook, to help improve family decision making

Register for this webinar at https://z.umn.edu/WGGYPP2020May21.


Adjusting to Suddenly Reduced Income  

Tuesday, May 26; 10-11 am Many people have recently experienced a sudden reduction in their income. Join us to learn how to minimize the effects of income loss. Register for this webinar at https://z.umn.edu/SuddenlyReducedIncome

Budgeting 101: Making a Plan  

Thursday, May 28; 3-4 pm or 7-8 pm

Do you want to gain control of your finances?  A budget is a valuable tool to help you better manage your finances. This webinar provides information and tools to address wants and needs, goal setting, balancing income and expenses, and setting aside money for an emergency fund and other savings goals. Register for this webinar at https://z.umn.edu/Budgeting101   


Mental Well-Being, Resilience & Self-Care 

Tuesday, June 2; 11 am-noonOur lives have changed significantly during this pandemic. At a time when we need social support and reassurance, we are faced with uncertainty and the need to keep physically distant. What are the risks to our mental health? How do we help ourselves before helping others? Join us to explore how to promote mental well-being and resilience as we navigate this challenging time.  Register for this webinar at https://z.umn.edu/MentalWell-Being

Budgeting 201: Managing a Plan

Thursday, June 4; 3-4 pm or 7- 8 pm

Do you have a budget and struggle with following it?  This webinar will provide tips and strategies for managing your spending plan. Discover ways to make changes to save money, manage debt, and plan for future goals. Register for this webinar at  https://z.umn.edu/Budgeting201

COVID-19 Scams 

Tuesday, June 9; 10-11 am or 7-8 pm

Beware of COVID-19 Scams! The Federal Trade Commission has received over 40,500 Covid-19 fraud reports with American consumers reporting losses of $28.47 million.  This webinar will help you spot COVID-19 related scams, learn how to avoid the scams, and identify where and how to file a complaint. Register for this webinar https://z.umn.edu/COVIDSCAMS 

Preparing Your Finances for Disasters & Pandemics 

Tuesday, June 16; 11 am-noon

Are you financially prepared to survive the next disaster or pandemic? Plan to participate in this webinar to learn specific strategies to increase your financial resilience.  Register for this webinar at https://z.umn.edu/PreparingFinances


Webinars for professionals:

Rental Crisis  

Thursday, June 11; 9-10 am

This session is for those working in community programs with clients experiencing difficulty in finding and keeping affordable and safe housing that meets the client's needs. The RentWise curriculum is uniquely designed for those who teach tenants the skills to avoid legal confrontations, stressing dual responsibilities between tenants and property managers, helping them to acquire, sustain and aspire to meet their housing goals.  Register for this webinar at https://z.umn.edu/RentalCrisis

For more online programs:

To find additional online offerings, visit the University of Minnesota Extension events and courses page. Use the 'advanced search' feature to explore the subjects 'Families', 'Home & finances' and 'Food, health and nutrition'.  


New to online programs?

Our online webinars are offered using Zoom. If you have not used Zoom before, please click this link to learn how: https://it.umn.edu/services-technologies/how-tos/zoom-join-or-test-audio-video

Lori Hendrickson, M.Ed., AFC, CFCS
Extension Educator & Extension Professor
Family Resiliency
Extension Regional Office
1861 E. Hwy 169
Grand Rapids MN 55744
218.327.5958 ext. 3007 phone
218.327.4126 fax
1.888.241.0885 toll free

218.966.0397 cell

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